SaliCrop has developed an innovative technology that enables crop seeds to withstand abiotic stresses, resulting in better yield under these conditions.

Carmit Oron is a business leader with a proven executive management track record and over 25 years of experience in driving business growth. She worked closely with Fortune 500 companies to create collaborations between global corporations, startups, and investors, in order to accelerate innovation in internal and external channels.
It has been estimated that more than 50% of the arable land would be salinized by the year 2050.
Soil salinity is a serious environmental problem especially in arid and semiarid areas.
High levels of soil salinity negatively affect crop growth and productivity.
Salt-affected soils are found on all continents. The most affected regions are the Middle East, Australia, North Africa, and Eurasia.
Soil salinization is projected to increase in future climate change scenarios due to sea level rise and the rise in temperature that will inevitably lead to increased evaporation and further salinization.
Sharon Devir, Co-Founder and Chairman at Salicrop: “ The UN has recently published a paper on the salinity and sodicity levels of soil. Coastal areas are among the most affected areas. The growth of salinity in the croplands and surrounding areas due to improper management is a threat to agricultural production and food security”.
Salicrop’s sustainable seed enhancement technology was first trialed on the beach of North Mumbai by Dr. Rca Godbole, the Co-Founder and CSO of the company.
Today it’s tested with farmers in varieties of rice, wheat, corn, tomato, carrot and capsicum.

Salinity is one of the most brutal environmental factors limiting the productivity of crop plants.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization projects a need to produce 70 percent more food by 2050, including a 50 percent rise in annual cereal production to about 3 billion tones.
Carmit Oron: Ensuring a stable and healthy food supply to the growing population in the world is now urgent, especially in the face of climate change and the rise in temperature that will inevitably lead to increased evaporation and further salinization.
We are now working closely with Israeli farmers to improve their yield and are expanding our collaboration to the MENA region and Eurasia.”

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